Journey to World Champ - New School BJJ Brixton | London , UK

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World Masters 2024 Champion: My Journey of Failure, Growth, and Success

Last year, I came to this same event—the World Masters—and left with a bronze medal. At the time, it felt like a crushing defeat i left with a bronze medal and came for the gold. I was devastated. But looking back, it was probably the best thing that could have happened. That failure forced me to evolve, not just in Jiu-Jitsu, but mentally. It became the push I needed to prove to myself that I was truly capable of something greater.

Despite all my tournament success over the years, I had never won a major IBJJF title—not at adult, not at masters—despite multiple attempts. Having potential is one thing, but delivering on it is another.

To finally stand on the podium and hold a world title after nearly 10 years of training felt incredible.

But the truth is, last year, I didn’t respect the Masters division. I believed I could breeze through the tournament, that it would be easy. And because of that mindset, I lost—three majors in a row:

  • World Masters IBJJF
  • World Masters AJP
  • The European finals

Three majors. No gold.

Those losses were humbling and necessary. I realized my ego had to die for me to come back stronger and more focused. Those failures forced me to take a fresh perspective, to truly commit to winning something big. They made me treat these events, my opponents, and my preparation with the respect they deserved.

That shift in mindset changed everything.

I made sacrifices—time away from family, extra hours on the mats, traveling, and studying. It wasn’t easy. It made me uncomfortable. And as the stakes grew higher, so did the pressure. With more risk came more fear, more nerves. But with those emotions also came more reason to keep pushing hard to ensure the sacrifices paid off.

And finally, they did. Winning the Brasileiros was my first taste of this process paying off, but the real goal was to win the World Masters. This was likely my last chance as a coloured belt to win something that had eluded me for almost a decade. And this year, I finally pulled it off.

The outcome is incredible, but what’s even more important is who I had to become to achieve it. This journey has been about much more than winning—it’s been about evolving. The medal is just a reflection of the growth I went through to get here.

Pushing Through the Fear and Doubt

Feel the fear and do it anyway. The more you risk, the more invested you become, and the higher the stakes. As the consequences of losing increase, you have two choices: you can let that fear hold you back, or you can use it to fuel you to work harder. These emotions—fear, doubt, anxiety—can push you to become greater than if you had nothing on the line. it also makes the success that bit sweeter.

these medals, as great as they are, are just reminders of the journey—the highs and lows, the wins and losses, and the person I became through the process. Being a champion isn’t just about winning; it’s also about losing, learning, and growing.

A Message for You

I want you to know that failure, fear, and doubt are part of the process. Whether you're stepping onto the mats for the first time, thinking about competing, or facing challenges outside of Jiu-Jitsu, setbacks are signs that you're pushing yourself.

The key is to keep moving forward. Take risks. Lose. Learn. Grow. The more you embrace the discomfort and invest in your journey, the more focused you’ll become, and the closer you’ll get to achieving your goals.

At New School BJJ, we’ve created an environment where you can push yourself, challenge your limits, and achieve whatever you’re aiming for—whether in Jiu-Jitsu or in life. You’ll have the support, coaching, and community, but the first step has to come from you.

If there’s something you’ve been holding back on—whether it’s signing up for a class, competing, or tackling a personal goal—now’s the time to act. Take the risk, invest in yourself, and see what you’re truly capable of. Believe in yourself, take that step, and let’s keep pushing forward together.

See you on the mats.


Reiss Bailey, World Masters Light-Feather Brown Belt Champion 2024